Coming into the summer season, gas prices are rising! This is a normal trend, but it’s not ideal for those of us who are paying for it. The way you drive your car can impact your fuel consumption, directly affecting your monthly gas costs. No matter how fuel efficient your car is, it never hurt to save some extra money on gas. Here are a handful of fuel-saving tips to keep you on the road without breaking the bank! 1. Regular Maintenance [ Continue reading ]
Protecting Your Home from Burglars
Home security has always been the top priority for homeowners. Knowing how to stop burglars from targeting your home can go a long way to safeguard your home and your property. Targets for Burglars Most thieves target homes that look easy to break into. They look for homes with predictable patterns of people coming and going, properties in more isolated parts of the neighborhood, and houses that are well maintained or have an expensive car in the [ Continue reading ]